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An official website of the United States Government.

Committees & Councils

Executive Committee

Seeks ways and means to undertake with diligence and serious purpose those activities in the field of general management and public affairs, service to the community, interdepartmental coordination, and intergovernmental relationships that will best contribute to the effectiveness and economy of the government operations in New Mexico.

Emergency Preparedness

Serves as the focal point for emergency preparedness planning, training, and exercises with the main focus on Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP).


Provides a forum for Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity Managers to discuss issues surrounding recruitment, diversity and other equal opportunity matters.

Public Affairs

Promotes professional development opportunities among Federal Public Affairs Officers. Enhance contacts between the news media and local Federal agencies. Improve public understanding of Federal agency programs and Federal employee contributions.

Shared Neutrals

Oversees the Shared Neutrals Program which is a cooperative arrangement between participating Federal agencies in New Mexico who make reciprocal agreements for alternative dispute resolution services and share resources.

Human Resource

To present best practices and create a community of practice for Human Resource Specialists.


To enhancing collaboration and cooperation among agencies by sharing training information and resources, networking on similar initiatives, such as distance learning, presenting best practices, and creating a community of training partnership.